Keyboard Mapping: The function keys that appear on the calculator are mapped to the Function keys F5 - F15 on the Apple Extended Keyboard. Here is the correspondence map: F5=sin F6=cosine F7=tangent F8=2nd Function F9=Value of PI F10=Natural Log F11=Base 10 Log F12=Backspace Key F13=Power function F14=Square root function F15=Square function Shift + F5=arc sin Shift + F6=arc cosine Shift + F7=arc tangent Shift + F9=Factorial function Shift + F10=Constant e raised to a power. Shift + F11=Constant 10 reaised to a power. Shift + F13=Nth Root function Shift + F14=Cubed Root function Shift + F15=expression 1 divided by x Other keys mapped to functions on the calculator: c, Clear=Clear function*** ESC = (Same as Clear/No Function)*** *, x=Multiplication X=Memory Enter R=Memory Recall M=Memory Add ?=About Dialog box Delete=Backspace function Enter=Equal function ` or . = Reverse sign of number on display*** % = Percent increase or decrease. Shift + Clear or Esc = Clear Last Entry, not just last digit. Clear + X = Clear Memory. 2nd Decimal point in any number = reverse sign of number *** ***Depends upon settings in Preferences Dialog Box.